Release notes ############# Release notes for **Shopit**. ---- 0.5.2 ===== * Fix setup requirement. 0.5.1 ===== * Drop `Django 1.10` support. * In `ProductDetailView`, check for renderer format before adding django-cms menu related items. * Remove `PhoneNumberField` from the project, use simple `CharField` instead. * Lock requirements. 0.5.0 ===== * Rename package from `djangoshop-shopit` to `django-shopit`. 0.4.3 ===== * Fix encoding error in product admin `get_name` method. * Add `phonenumbers` library to requirements. 0.4.2 ===== * Fixes #7 - "unhashable type: 'MoneyInEUR'" error in `get_price_steps` templatetag. 0.4.1 ===== * Small fixes in admin. * Fix indentation in admin help text for ``djangocms-admin-style``. * Refactor tests. 0.4.0 ===== * Add support for *Django 1.11* & *DjangoSHOP 0.12.x*. * Handle tousand separator when displaying money in admin. * Add ability to pass in ``order_number`` to ``order`` templatetag. * Add ``num_uses`` to list display for Discount Code. * After order was populated with cart data, delete discount codes. * Add ability to send `validate` key when updating the cart via POST. In which case the promo code gets validated without applying it to cart. * Add setting ``SHOPIT_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_ORDER`` to control default ordering of products. * Add ability to override ``ProductSerializer`` fields through the ``fields`` GET property. * Add ``attribute_choices`` to product serializer fields. * Add ``template`` field to Flag model, adn a ``SHOPIT_FLAG_TEMPLATES`` setting. * Add ``path`` to the Flag serializer. * Include categorization flags on a product. * Fix flag serializer field. * Use attachment ``subject_location`` when generating a thumbnail. * Add ability to pass in ``get_count`` as boolean through the ``request.GET`` object when in ``ProductListView`` and ``CategoryDetailView``. This applies in non HTML formated response and returns the count of all (filtered) products as ``{'count': 300}``. * Simplify urls into a single ```` since was merged. * Separate admin modules into multiple files. * Move settings from ```` to ```` and re-format based on *djangoSHOP's* settings pattern. * Add ``SHOPIT_ASYNC_PRODUCT_LIST`` and ``SHOPIT_ADD_PRODUCT_LIST_TO_CONTEXT`` settings to optimize ``ProductListView`` and ``CategoryDetailView``. * Bump ``django-cms`` requirement to 3.5. * Set default prices to zero. * Fix field indentation in models and forms to follow Django's style guide. * Various bugfixes. .. attention:: Requires ``python migrate shopit`` to set default price and amount Money fields, and add a template field to the Flag model. 0.3.0 ===== * Handle ``InvalidImageFormatError`` error when generating thumbnails. * Add support for djangoSHOP 0.11. 0.2.3 ===== * Add ``never_cache`` decorators to account, review and watch views. * Optimize ``get_flags`` templatetag when filtering by products. * Add ``content`` field as ``PlaceholderField`` to categorization models. * Force setting priority on address form, order existant addresses by priority. * Update ``query_transform`` templatetag to remove empty values. * Add missing ``FlagModelForm`` to ``FlagAdmin``. * Fix Flag unicode error in ``__str__``. * Re-work the reviews, making them non-translatable. Not compatible with the old reviews, make sure to save them (if you have any) before upgrading. A way for adding reviews was not provided before so this should not be the case. * Add setting ``SHOPIT_REVIEW_ACTIVE_DEFAULT``. This decides if created reviews are active by default. * Handle updating shopping cart via ajax, add success messages to it. * Remove *CartDiscountCode's* from cart when emptying it, make last applied code appears as active. * Add *PhoneNumberField* field to the customer, add setting ``SHOPIT_PHONE_NUMBER_REQUIRED`` that defaults to ``False``. * Refactor address forms, enable using either 'shipping' or 'billing' form as primary. added setting ``SHOPIT_PRIMARY_ADDRESS``. * Fix address country choices. * Add and track num uses on a *DiscountCode*, alter the admin to display new values. * Enable frontend editing of categorization and product models. * Fix *AccountOrderDetail* view not returning the correct order. * Handle NoReverseMatch for ``add_to_cart_url`` in a Product serializer. .. attention:: Requires ``python migrate shopit`` to add/remove fields on a Review model, as well as add ``phone_number`` field on Customer model, ``content`` field on Categorization models and ``max_uses``, ``num_uses`` on *DiscountCode*. .. note:: If migrating with categorization models already added. You'll need to save each models again for the ``content`` PlaceholderField to appear. 0.2.2 ===== * Add filtering by modifiers. * Update django-shop requirement to 0.10.2. 0.2.1 ===== * Fixes problem with migrations. 0.2.0 ===== * Add support for *Django 1.10* & *DjangoSHOP 0.10.x*. * Alter templates to use Bootstrap 4 by default. * Create example project, move tests. * Rename description & caption fields to start with underscore. .. attention:: Requires ``python migrate shopit`` to add a product code to the CartItem, rename description & caption fields, as well as adding an additional setting ``SHOP_PRODUCT_SUMMARY_SERIALIZER = 'shopit.serializers.ProductSummarySerializer'``. 0.1.4 ===== * Add *description* field to categorization models. * Move variant generator methods from admin to the model. Now ``create_all_variants`` and ``create_variant`` are available on the model. * Update add to cart ``get_context`` to ensure correct product translation is returned. .. attention:: Requires ``python migrate shopit`` to create description field on categorization models. 0.1.3 ===== * Bugfixes. * Fix ``get_object`` and ``get_queryset`` in product views returning inconsistant results. * Add ``get_view_url`` to product detail view to return correct translated url. 0.1.2 ===== * Add price range filtering in ``get_products`` templatetag. * Move product filtering to a manager. * Allow mutiple flags to be passed to the ``get_products`` templatetag. * Optimize attribute filtering with *prefetch_related*. * Enable sorting the products. * Don't fetch flags from categorization on a product. Categorization flags are used separately to mark categorization and the don't affect the products. * Fix templatetags. * Add option to limit ``get_categorization`` templatetag to a set of products. * Enable filtering categorization and flags via querystring. Change price range querystrings. * Add ``get_flags`` templatetag. * Make *Flag* model an mptt model with a parent field. * Show flags as filter_horizontal instead of CheckboxInput in product admin. * Show localized amounts in product admin summary field. * Use ``as_decimal`` when displaying price steps in template instead of floatformat. .. attention:: Requires ``python migrate shopit`` to create mptt fields on a Flag model. 0.1.1 ===== * Ensure customer is recognized before registering a new account. This works around an error **"Unable to proceed as guest without items in the cart"** when registering without a cart. * Make fields in product serializer editable through settings, set optimized defaults. * Fix error when mergin dictionaries in python3. * Remove redundant code. * Fix trying to generate image thumbnail on attachment when *file* is None. * Fix weight setter setting width instead of weight. 0.1.0 ===== * Initial release.